Audio Description

Audio Description (AD) is a fantastic service we provide for the 180,000 people with sight loss in Norway. With the use of the MovieReading app, the audience can enjoy the normal film soundtrack at the cinema, whilst a recorded narrator explains what's happening on screen - in gaps in the dialogue so as to not disturb the flow of the film. This can be heard through a normal set of earplugs.

We have been delivering this service since 2017 and are one of the leading companies in Norway to provide AD. The quality of our AD service is very important to us. As a production company, we understand film and how important it is to respect the intentions of the director.  Our goal is that the audience, no matter how small, can experience and enjoy the film to its fullest.

For more information about our Audio Description services, please contact Tanya Potts Aanonsen:
tanya (at), +47 915 455 77.

For more information about the Movie Reading App, please visit their website.

Download the app: